Milwaukee看到喜忧参半的事态发展:一个旅店的销售、道路重建赠款、医院诊所关闭以及过境领导人的改变。 Milwaukee sees mixed developments: a hostel's sale, road reconstruction grant, hospital clinic closure, and transit leadership change.
Milwaukee本周目睹了若干事态发展:一个康复团体购买了前Cream城宿舍,该市获得了用于国家大道重建的联邦赠款,而Milwaukee儿童医院关闭了一个诊所。 Milwaukee saw several developments this week: a recovery group bought the former Cream City Hostel, the city received a federal grant for National Avenue's reconstruction, and the Milwaukee Children's Hospital closed a clinic. 此外,计划在Bay View新建一家餐馆Radish,Julie Esch被任命为Milwaukee县交通系统临时总经理。 Additionally, a new restaurant, Radish, is planned for Bay View, and Julie Esch was named interim managing director of Milwaukee County Transit System. 该区域还面临教育软件黑客,威斯康星州铁路项目获得联邦资助。 The region also faced educational software hacks, with Wisconsin rail projects receiving federal funding.