克什米尔的CM反对要求旅客在Katra更换火车的提议, Kashmir's CM opposes proposal requiring train passengers to change at Katra, citing connectivity concerns.
查谟和克什米尔首席部长奥马尔·阿卜杜拉(Omar Abdullah)反对一项要求乘客改变卡特拉火车的提议, Jammu and Kashmir's Chief Minister Omar Abdullah opposes a proposal that would require passengers to change trains at Katra as part of the rail link project connecting Kashmir to Delhi. Abdullah认为,这将损害该项目改善连通性的目标,与所作的大量投资背道而驰。 Abdullah argues this would undermine the project's goal of improving connectivity and is counterproductive to the significant investment made. 该提案引起了各种团体的反对,这些团体认为该提案不切实际和不方便。 The proposal has sparked opposition from various groups who find it impractical and inconvenient.