克什米尔人民民主党批评新的铁路安全措施给旅行者带来沉重负担。 Kashmir's People's Democratic Party criticizes new railway security measure as burdensome for travelers.
查谟和克什米尔人民民主党批评一项新的铁路安全措施,该措施要求往返克什米尔的旅客在卡特拉或查谟站下船。 The People's Democratic Party in Jammu and Kashmir has criticized a new railway security measure that requires passengers traveling to and from Kashmir to deboard at Katra or Jammu stations. 该党声称,这增加了不必要的困难,特别是对老年人和需要医疗护理的人而言。 The party claims this adds unnecessary hardship, especially for elderly and those needing medical care. 这些批评是在总理纳伦德拉·莫迪 (Narendra Modi) 主持的铁路服务面临确保安全的变化之际提出的。 The criticism comes as the rail service, inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, faces changes to ensure security.