以色列财政部长斯莫特里希因反对和平协议而遭到人质家庭的反弹。 Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich faces backlash from hostage families over his opposition to a peace deal.
人质家庭与以色列财政部长Bezalel Smotrich在耶路撒冷发生冲突,因为他反对卡塔尔为结束加沙冲突和确保人质获释而通过调停达成协议。 Hostage families clashed with Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich in Jerusalem over his opposition to a Qatari-mediated deal to end Gaza conflict and secure hostage releases. Smotrich,一个强硬派,称协议为“问题”和国家安全“灾难”,拒绝任何停火协议。 Smotrich, a hardliner, calls the deal "problematic" and a "catastrophe" for national security, rejecting any ceasefire agreement. 这一立场激怒了要求支持人质康复的家庭。 This stance has angered families demanding support for hostage recovery.