印度更新了GST官员在法院裁决后指定“逮捕理由”的准则。 India updates guidelines for GST officers to specify "grounds of arrest" after court rulings.
中央间接税和海关委员会更新了 GST 官员的指导方针,要求他们向违规者解释具体的“逮捕理由”并获得书面确认。 The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs has updated guidelines for GST officers, requiring them to explain the specific "grounds of arrest" to offenders and obtain a written acknowledgment. 这一改变是在德里高等法院的一项命令和最高法院的判决之后作出的,这两项判决区分了一般的“逮捕理由”和具体的“逮捕理由”,后者是被告个人的。 This change follows a Delhi High Court order and Supreme Court judgments that differentiate between general "reasons for arrest" and specific "grounds of arrest," which are personal to the accused.