休斯顿皮条客Thaddeus Allen, 2023年以来逃犯, 在医院过量吸毒后被逮捕。 Houston pimp Thaddeus Allen, a fugitive since 2023, was arrested after overdosing in a hospital.
Thaddius Allen, 36岁的休斯顿皮条客和逃犯,自2023年逃避保释以来,在新年前夕以别名入院后被捕。 Thaddeus Allen, a 36-year-old Houston pimp and fugitive since skipping bail in 2023, was arrested after being admitted to a hospital under an alias on New Year's Eve. Allen因贩运人口而被判处75年徒刑,在吸毒过量后,发现他处于危急状态。 Allen, facing a 75-year sentence for human trafficking, was found in critical condition following a drug overdose. 哈里斯郡治安官办公室收到消息后发现他 The Harris County Sheriff's Office located him after receiving a tip.