前马来西亚总理纳吉布·拉扎克声称沙特国王提供的资金是个人礼物,而不是不道德的。 Former Malaysian PM Najib Razak claims funds from Saudi King were personal gifts, not unethical.
马来西亚前总理纳吉布·拉扎克在法庭上作证说,从沙特阿拉伯已故国王阿卜杜拉接受资金进入他的个人银行账户并不违反马来西亚官员的道德守则。 Former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak testified in court that receiving funds from Saudi Arabia's late King Abdullah into his personal bank account did not violate the Code of Ethics for Malaysian officials. Najib因涉嫌从1MDB挪用23亿林吉特而被审判。 Najib is on trial for allegedly misappropriating RM2.3 billion from 1MDB. 他声称这些资金是个人捐赠,与检察官的说法相反,不需要内阁公布。 He claims the funds were personal donations and did not require cabinet disclosure, contrary to prosecutors' assertions.