前马来西亚总理纳吉布·拉扎克声称,他的账户中的RM300M是合法的沙特捐款,不是来自1MDB。 Former Malaysian PM Najib Razak claims RM300M in his accounts were legitimate Saudi donations, not from 1MDB.
马来西亚前总理纳吉布·拉扎克在法庭上作证说,他认为个人银行账户中的大笔钱款是沙特皇室、特别是阿卜杜拉国王的合法捐赠。 Former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak testified in court that he believed large sums of money in his personal bank accounts were legitimate donations from Saudi royalty, specifically King Abdullah. Razak声称这些资金共计超过3亿林吉特,用于政治支持和公司社会责任。 Razak claims the funds, totaling over RM300 million, were for political support and corporate social responsibility. 他利用这一说法为滥用1MDB资金和洗钱行为辩护。 He is using this claim to defend against charges of misusing 1MDB funds and money laundering.