联邦调查局和当地警察调查了对Orono高中的Snapchat威胁;没有证实有实际威胁。 FBI and local police investigated a Snapchat threat against Orono High School; no active threat confirmed.
联邦调查局和奥罗诺警方调查了周五报道的 对奥罗诺高中的 Snapchat威胁 The FBI and Orono police investigated a Snapchat threat against Orono High School reported on Friday. 虽然该职位已被撤除,但地方当局确认不存在任何积极威胁,学校将在星期一按常态运作。 Though the post was removed, local authorities confirmed there is no active threat, and schools will operate as usual on Monday. 官员们赞扬学生们报道了有关信息。 Officials praised students for reporting the concerning message.