安全专家警告称,移动网络间谍威胁不断上升,呼吁加强保护。 Security expert warns of rising mobile network espionage threats, calling for better protections.
安全专家 David Wiseman 强调了通过移动网络进行的间谍活动日益增长的威胁,并强调了加强安全措施的必要性。 Security expert David Wiseman highlights the growing threat of espionage through mobile networks, emphasizing the need for enhanced security measures. 怀斯曼警告说,如果没有适当的保护,个人和国家安全可能会受到移动通信恶意活动的风险。 Wiseman warns that without proper protection, personal and national security could be at risk from malicious activities over mobile communications. 他呼吁技术进步和政策变革来抵御这些威胁。 He calls for both technological advancements and policy changes to safeguard against these threats.