经美国联邦航空局认证,迪拜在高楼建筑中部署无人驾驶飞机,以进行更快的应急反应。 Dubai deploys drones for faster emergency responses in high-rise buildings, certified by U.S. FAA.
迪拜正使用无人机改善朱梅拉湖塔和迪拜上城高楼的应急反应。 Dubai is using drones to improve emergency response in high-rise buildings in Jumeirah Lake Towers and Uptown Dubai. 无人机箱系统是获得美国联邦航空局认证的一项世界领先技术,由DMCC和迪拜警察部署。 The Drone Box system, a world-leading technology certified by the US FAA, is deployed by DMCC and Dubai Police. 这些无人机可以超越视觉视线运作,对事件作出迅速反应,为决策收集重要数据,加强这些地区的公共安全。 These drones can operate beyond visual line-of-sight, quickly responding to incidents and gathering crucial data for decision-making, enhancing public safety in these areas.