中国中央银行计划调整利率和储备,以刺激经济和支持人民币。 China's central bank plans to adjust interest rates and reserves to boost economy and support renminbi.
中国央行行长潘久生(Pan Gongsheng)宣布计划使用利率和储备需求比率来维持经济流动性。 China's central bank governor, Pan Gongsheng, announced plans to use interest rates and reserve requirement ratios to maintain economic liquidity. 重点将放在促进投资和消费以推动经济增长上,特别强调消费者需求。 The focus will be on boosting investment and consumption to drive economic growth, with a particular emphasis on consumer demand. 房地产市场正在稳定,中国计划增加其在香港的外汇储备,以支持人民币市场。 The real estate market is stabilizing, and China plans to increase its foreign exchange reserves in Hong Kong to support the renminbi market.