澳大利亚在交货延误期间,开始交付BYD鲨鱼6号。 Australia begins delivering the BYD Shark 6, its first plug-in hybrid ute, amid delivery delays.
澳大利亚已开始交付BYD鲨鱼6号,这是第一个插头混合电力,第一位客户在布里斯班接收他们的车辆。 Australia has started delivering the BYD Shark 6, its first plug-in hybrid ute, with the first customer receiving their vehicle in Brisbane. 尽管需求强劲,订单超过5 500份,但由于港口罢工,预计交货会延误。 Despite strong demand and over 5,500 orders, delivery delays are expected due to port strikes. 鲨鱼6号,价格为57 900美元,装有涡轮充电发动机、两台电动发动机和29.58kWh电池,只有100公里的电程和2 500kg牵引能力。 The Shark 6, priced at $57,900, features a turbocharged engine, two electric motors, and a 29.58kWh battery, offering a 100km electric-only range and 2,500kg towing capacity.