温尼伯的一个680万美元的临时消防站开始为Waverley West服务,处理151个电话。 A temporary $6.8 million fire station in Winnipeg starts serving Waverley West, handling 151 calls.
在Winnipeg的Waverley West社区临时开设了一个680万美元的消防站,该消防站于上个月正式启用,现已开始为该地区服务,配备了四人消防队和两人救护队。 A temporary $6.8 million fire station in Winnipeg's Waverley West neighborhood, officially opened last month, has begun serving the area with a four-person fire crew and a two-person paramedic team. 模块站可以拆卸和移动,已经处理了151个电话。 The modular station, which can be disassembled and moved, has already handled 151 calls. 其目的是减少迅速增长地区的响应时间,直到在南温尼伯累加校园附近建造一座永久站,预计明年春天开始施工。 It aims to reduce response times in the rapidly growing area until a permanent station is built near the South Winnipeg Rec Campus, expected to start construction next spring.