学生们计划在加尔各答抗议关闭8 000所学校和教育经费不足。 Students plan protest in Kolkata over closure of 8,000 schools and poor education funding.
印度学生联合会(SFI)计划于1月27日在加尔各答抗议西孟加拉的低教育水平。 The Students' Federation of India (SFI) plans a protest on January 27 in Kolkata against poor education standards in West Bengal. 政府报告强调关闭了8 000所国营和援助学校, 其中3 254所没有学生, 6 366所只有一名教师。 The protest follows a government report highlighting the closure of 8,000 state-run and aided schools, with 3,254 having no students and 6,366 having only one teacher. SFI指控州政府不当管理资金, 花在名人活动上, 而不是教育上。 The SFI accuses the state government of mismanaging funds, spending on celebrity events instead of education.