南威尔士议会在更新发展计划和确定新的最后期限方面受到批评,因为拖延。 South Worcestershire councils face criticism for delays in updating their development plan, setting new deadlines.
南泽西省理事会在发展计划审查(SWDPR)中因延误而面临批评,规定政府检查人员的新期限。 South Worcestershire councils face criticism for delays in their Development Plan Review (SWDPR), setting new deadlines from government inspectors. 计划于7月至8月举行一次协商,10月提交,预计2026年2月通过。 A consultation is planned for July-August, with submission in October, and adoption expected in February 2026. 自由民主党议员警告说,拖延已经使当地基础设施承受了压力。 Liberal Democrat councillors warn that delays have put local infrastructure under strain.