警方正在调查在莱斯溪公寓的枪击事件, 受害者住院, 嫌疑人可能是已知的. Police investigate shooting at Rice Creek Apartments; victim hospitalized, suspect possibly known.
警方正在调查在格鲁吉亚Wentworth港的米溪公寓发生的枪击事件,发现一人被枪伤,被送往医院。 Police are investigating a shooting at Rice Creek Apartments in Port Wentworth, Georgia, where one person was found with gunshot wounds and taken to a hospital. 初步调查表明受害人可能认识嫌疑人,但受害人没有提供详细情况。 Preliminary investigations suggest the victim may know the suspect, but the victim has not provided details. 当局正在继续进行调查,并要求任何有情报的人同温特沃斯港警察局联系。 Authorities are continuing their investigation and have asked anyone with information to contact the Port Wentworth Police Department.