尼日利亚引进了400名新工程师,强调该领域的道德和全球竞争力。 Nigeria inducts 400 new engineers, stressing ethics and global competitiveness in the field.
尼日利亚工程师学会和尼日利亚工程管制理事会从卡杜纳空军技术学院引进了400名新工程师。 The Nigerian Society of Engineers and the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria inducted 400 new engineers from the Air Force Institute of Technology in Kaduna. 研究生专攻各个领域,如航空航天、汽车、机械和电气工程。 Graduates specialize in various fields such as Aerospace, Automotive, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering. 上岗仪式强调了职业道德、终身学习和协作的重要性,以维持尼日利亚工程方面的全球竞争标准。 The induction ceremony emphasized the importance of professional ethics, lifelong learning, and collaboration to maintain globally competitive standards in Nigerian engineering.