Nicole Kidman提到她在“女婴”的角色, 向已故母亲致敬, Nicole Kidman talks about her role in "Babygirl," honoring her late mother and deflecting praise to the director.
Nicole Kidman在接受W杂志的采访时, 讨论了她在新电影《少女》中的角色, 转移了对Halina Reijn导演的赞美。 Nicole Kidman, in an interview with W Magazine, discussed her role in the new film "Babygirl," deflecting praise to director Halina Reijn. 尽管Kidman事业成功,她仍然批评自己,将愿景和故事置于个人信用之上。 Despite her successful career, Kidman remains critical of herself, prioritizing the vision and stories over personal credit. 她也回想最近失去母亲Janelle Ann Kidman, 分享他们一起享受的最爱电影, She also reflected on the recent loss of her mother, Janelle Ann Kidman, sharing favorite films they enjoyed together, with "Babygirl" being the one her mother didn't get to see.