奥斯卡获奖女演员妮可·基德曼 (Nicole Kidman) 哀悼母亲的去世,无法见证她的成功。 Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman mourns mother's death, unable to witness her success.
奥斯卡获奖女演员妮可·基德曼 (Nicole Kidman) 哀悼她已故的母亲珍妮尔 (Janelle),她于 9 月去世,享年 84 岁。 Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman mourned her late mother, Janelle, who passed away at 84 in September. 在她的系列剧《母狮》的首映式上,基德曼表达了对母亲未能见证她最近的成功(包括威尼斯电影节最佳女演员奖)的遗憾。 At the premiere of her series "Lioness," Kidman expressed sadness that her mother could not witness her recent successes, including a Best Actress award at the Venice Film Festival. 尽管悲痛欲绝,但基德曼仍然活跃在她的职业生涯中,即将推出的项目包括“Scarpetta”,她感谢粉丝在这个困难时期的支持。 Despite her grief, Kidman remains active in her career, with upcoming projects including "Scarpetta," and she thanked fans for their support during this difficult time.