新墨西哥共和国Jared Hembree因健康问题辞职,两个众议院席位空缺。 New Mexico Rep. Jared Hembree resigns due to health issues, leaving two House seats vacant.
墨西哥新州代表Jared Hembree因未预见的健康问题辞职,需要立即注意。 New Mexico State Representative Jared Hembree has resigned from his position due to unforeseen health issues, requiring immediate attention. 他在即将举行的立法会议前宣布离任,在州议会留下两个空缺席位,并将平衡稍向民主党转移。 His departure, announced before the upcoming legislative session, leaves two seats vacant in the state House and shifts the balance slightly towards Democrats. 代表Chaves县的Hembree表示,优先考虑他的健康对今后的服务至关重要。 Hembree, who represents Chaves County, stated that prioritizing his health is crucial for future service.