印第安纳州众议员瑞安·哈特菲尔德宣布,他不会在秋季寻求连任,而是计划竞选县法官职位。 Indiana state Rep. Ryan Hatfield has announced he will not be seeking reelection in the fall, instead he plans to run for a county judge position.
埃文斯维尔州众议员瑞安·哈特菲尔德宣布,他不会在秋季竞选连任,而是竞选县法官职位。 Evansville State Representative Ryan Hatfield has announced he will not run for re-election in the fall, instead running for a county judge position. 哈特菲尔德自 2016 年以来一直代表印第安纳州南部第 77 选区,并担任印第安纳州众议院司法委员会以及就业、劳工和养老金委员会的少数派资深成员。 Hatfield has been representing House District 77 in southern Indiana since 2016 and has served as the ranking minority member of the Indiana House Judiciary and Employment, Labor and Pensions committees. 他决定竞选范德堡县巡回法院法官职位,该职位涉及促进公平公正地解决影响社区的法律事务。 He has decided to run for the Vanderburgh County Circuit Court judge position, a role that involves contributing to the fair and just resolution of legal matters impacting the community.