多个部门的消防员对卡尤加县的一场大规模谷仓火灾作出反应;没有伤亡报告。 Multi-department firefighters respond to a large barn fire in Cayuga County; no injuries reported.
星期六晚上在卡尤加州巴恩斯路附近的Centralport路发生大规模谷仓火灾,促使多部门消防反应。 A large barn fire occurred on Saturday evening on Centerport Road near Barnes Road in Cayuga County, prompting a multi-departmental firefighting response. 附近地区的部门,包括Auburn的快速干预队和城市救护车,联合努力控制大火。 Departments from nearby areas, including Auburn's Rapid Intervention Team and City Ambulance, joined efforts to control the blaze. 没有报告有人受伤,但无法立即获得损坏程度的细节。 No injuries were reported, but details on the extent of the damage were not immediately available. 当局要求居民避开这个区域。 Authorities asked residents to avoid the area.