消防人员于周六早上在霍普韦尔镇 扑灭了一场2毫米口径的谷仓大火。 Fire crews extinguished a 2-alarm barn fire in Hopewell Township on Saturday morning.
消防人员对坎伯兰县霍普韦镇Fairview路200个街区的2毫米长谷仓火灾作出了反应,该火灾于星期六上午11时左右爆发。 Fire crews responded to a 2-alarm barn fire in the 200 block of Fairview Road in Hopewell Township, Cumberland County, which broke out around 11 a.m. Saturday. 火灾可能是内部大量货盘和燃料造成的,在要求增派油罐车后,火灾得到了控制。 The fire, possibly caused by a large amount of pallets and fuel inside, was under control after additional tankers were requested. 可在wgal.com上查阅交通最新消息和社区提交的照片或视频。 Traffic updates and community-submitted photos or videos can be found on wgal.com.