多伦多市中心有人被刺伤颈部,被送往创伤中心;调查仍在进行中。 Man stabbed in the neck in downtown Toronto, taken to a trauma center; investigation ongoing.
星期五晚7时45分左右,在Dundas街东区和Church街多伦多市中心发生的一起刺伤事件中,一名男子受重伤。 A man was seriously injured in a stabbing incident in downtown Toronto on Friday evening around 7:45 p.m. at Dundas Street East and Church Street. 警察发现受害者颈部有刺伤,他被送往创伤中心。 Police found the victim with a stab wound to the neck and he was taken to a trauma center. 该事件正在调查之中,有关这次袭击的细节仍然不清楚。 The incident is under investigation, and details about the attack remain unclear.