缅因州允许个人车辆闲置以取暖,但商业车辆限制为5分钟,交通除外。 Maine allows personal vehicle idling for warming up but limits commercial vehicles to five minutes, except in traffic.
在缅因州,司机在开车前可以合法地取暖个人车辆,但卡车、面包车、出租车和豪华轿车等商业车辆,除交通外,限于在一小时内停留不超过5分钟。 In Maine, drivers can legally warm up their personal vehicles before driving, but commercial vehicles like trucks, vans, taxis, and limos are limited to idling for no more than five minutes within an hour, except in traffic. 一些城镇,如巴港,有附加限制。 Some towns, such as Bar Harbor, have additional restrictions. 可能会出现混乱,因为其他国家有不同的、往往更为严格的权宜规则。 Confusion may arise because other states have different, often stricter, idling rules.