Luzerne县议会定于1月28日填补委员会15个空缺席位,不久将宣布另外3个席位。 Luzerne County Council set to fill 15 vacant board seats on Jan. 28, with three more to be declared soon.
Luzerne县议会将在1月28日填补15个空缺的委员会席位,包括社区学院董事会、住房管理局和道德委员会的职位。 Luzerne County Council will fill 15 vacant board seats on January 28, including positions on the community college board, housing authority, and ethics commission. 理事会将推迟对有争议的席位作出决定,以便进行彻底的候选人审查。 The council will postpone decisions on contested seats to allow for thorough candidate reviews. 由于最近辞职,董事会将宣布另外三个空缺。 Three additional board vacancies will be declared due to recent resignations.