Lexmark推出了以零售为重点的打印机和一个平台,利用社交媒体提高2025年国家储备基金的销售量。 Lexmark introduces retail-focused printers and a platform using social media to boost sales at NRF 2025.
Lexmark 在 NRF 2025 上展示了其新的 9 系列打印机和多功能数码复合机,这些打印机和多功能数码复合机专为零售使用而设计,具有大批量任务、广泛的介质支持和专业的彩色功能。 Lexmark showcased its new 9-Series printers and MFPs at NRF 2025, designed for retail use with high-volume duties, broad media support, and professional color features. 这些装置对生态无害,有56-73%的消费者后回收含量。 The devices are eco-friendly, with 56-73% post-consumer recycled content. Lexmark还推出了其 " 参与自动化平台 " (LEAP),该平台使用超地方社交媒体广告促进销售和步行交通,根据库存库存实现个人化晋升自动化。 Lexmark also introduced its Engagement Automation Platform (LEAP), which uses hyper-local social media ads to boost sales and foot traffic, automating personalized promotions based on store inventory.