密苏里州东Prairie市中心发生大火;居民建议远离。 Large fire breaks out in downtown East Prairie, Missouri; residents advised to stay away.
多家消防机构正在密苏里州东帕蕊市中心与大面积建筑火灾作斗争。 Multiple fire agencies are combating a large structure fire in downtown East Prairie, Missouri. 当局正在建议居民避开该地区,并保持至少一个街区的安全距离,以免妨碍紧急救援人员。 Authorities are advising residents to avoid the area and keep a safe distance of at least one block to not obstruct emergency personnel. 火灾的原因和破坏程度目前尚不得而知,如果有更多信息,将予以更新。 The fire's cause and extent of damage are currently unknown, with updates to follow as more information is available.