新加坡大雨干扰了新加坡航空公司50多个航班,造成延误和重新安排。 Heavy rain in Singapore disrupts over 50 Singapore Airlines flights, causing delays and rescheduling.
由于新加坡和该地区持续大雨,新加坡航空公司的航班出现延迟和重新安排。 Singapore Airlines is experiencing flight delays and rescheduling due to heavy, persistent rain in Singapore and the region. 1月10日至11日之间有50多次飞行受到影响,预计周末会有更多延误。 Over 50 flights were affected between January 10-11, with more delays expected over the weekend. 长吉机场附近记录的降雨量为255.2毫米,超过了1月的月平均降雨量,对交通和基础设施造成干扰。 The rainfall, with 255.2mm recorded near Changi Airport, has surpassed the monthly average for January and caused disruptions to traffic and infrastructure.