前密歇根州QB Alex Orji转到UNLV, 使11-3队获得两年的资格。 Former Michigan QB Alex Orji transfers to UNLV, bringing two years of eligibility to the 11-3 team.
前密歇根州四分卫亚历克斯·奥吉(Alex Orji)的高中毕业后将转至UNLV, Former Michigan quarterback Alex Orji is transferring to UNLV as a senior, bringing two years of eligibility. Orji以自己的跑步能力而闻名 努力争取在密歇根发挥一贯的作用 本季参加10场比赛 Known for his running abilities, Orji struggled to secure a consistent role at Michigan, playing in 10 games this season. UNLV在上个赛季创下11-3纪录, 继续通过转账增加球员。 UNLV, which had an 11-3 record last season, continues to add players through transfers.