据报告,Purdue大学已接近雇用UNLV的首席教练Barry Odom接替Ryan Walters。 Purdue University is reportedly close to hiring UNLV's head coach Barry Odom to replace Ryan Walters.
据报告,Purdue大学已接近雇用UNLV的首席教练Barry Odom担任他们的新教练。 Purdue University is reportedly close to hiring UNLV's head coach Barry Odom as their new coach. Odom在两个季节中,包括2024年的10-3个季节,使UNLV创下19-8个记录。 Odom has led UNLV to a 19-8 record over two seasons, including a 10-3 season in 2024. 他以前在密苏里当过教练 在那里他有25-25的纪录 在四个赛季。 He previously coached at Missouri, where he had a 25-25 record over four seasons. 这次行动是在Purdue在Ryan Walters手下 令人失望的11号赛季之后进行的。 The move comes after Purdue's disappointing 1-11 season under Ryan Walters. 协议尚未最后敲定,但讨论仍在进行中。 The deal is not yet finalized, but discussions are ongoing.