消防员在I-75坠毁现场工作时被车辆击中,伤势严重。 Firefighter in critical condition after being hit by vehicle while working on I-75 crash scene.
1月11日,Sterling地区消防局消防员在I-75离198英里处198公里处的撞车场工作时被一辆汽车击中,伤势危急。 A Sterling Area Fire Department firefighter is in critical condition after being hit by a vehicle while working at crash scenes on I-75 near mile marker 198 on January 11. 南向I-75号公路暂时关闭,但此后重新开放。 The southbound I-75 was temporarily closed but has since reopened. 为了家庭隐私,消防员的身份被保密。 The firefighter's identity is being withheld for family privacy.