洛杉矶的名人用水引发愤怒, 干旱凸显资源不平等。 Celebrity water usage in Los Angeles sparks outrage as drought highlights resource inequality.
在严重干旱期间,洛杉矶的名人用水正在引起公众的愤慨。 Celebrity water usage in Los Angeles is causing public outrage during a severe drought. 金·卡戴珊、西尔维斯特·史泰龙和凯文·哈特等人物因超限水而被罚款,导致被指责为“浪费和有权”。 Figures like Kim Kardashian, Sylvester Stallone, and Kevin Hart were fined for exceeding water limits, leading to accusations of being "wasteful and entitled." 同时,一些富裕的居民雇用私人消防员,每小时2 000美元,引起人们对紧急情况期间资源不平等的关切。 Meanwhile, some wealthy residents are hiring private firefighters at $2,000 per hour, raising concerns about resource inequality during emergencies.