旁观者在车祸后从西班牙福克河救出了司机,避免了环境危害。 Bystanders rescued driver from Spanish Fork River after car crash, averted environmental hazard.
两名旁观者从犹他州的西班牙福克河中救出了一名司机,当时他的车开进水中。 Two bystanders saved a driver from the Spanish Fork River in Utah after his vehicle rolled into the water. 司机被带往当地医院,病情稳定。 The driver was taken to a local hospital in stable condition. 救援人员的迅速行动防止了危险材料的扩散。 The quick actions of the rescuers prevented hazardous materials from spreading. 西班牙福克消防局长埃迪·海尔斯 (Eddie Hales) 感谢旁观者,但警告未经培训的河流救援很危险。 Spanish Fork Fire Chief Eddie Hales thanked the bystanders but warned of the dangers of untrained river rescues. 坠机原因正在调查中。 The cause of the crash is under investigation.