由于金属污染风险, " 最佳桑威奇 " 公司召回了超过24 000磅的塔基托。 Bestway Sandwiches recalls over 24,000 pounds of taquitos due to metal contamination risks.
由于潜在的金属污染,Bestway Sandwiches 正在召回约 24,870 磅的冷冻鸡肉和奶酪玉米饼。 Bestway Sandwiches is recalling about 24,870 pounds of frozen chicken and cheese taquitos due to potential metal contamination. 以下是消费者投诉,包括牙科损伤报告。 The recall follows consumer complaints, including a report of a dental injury. 在07/03/25和09/25/25/25和09/25/25号日期前,受灾的“Casa Mamita鸡和奶酪塔奎托斯”最好运往全国ALDI商店。 The affected "Casa Mamita Chicken & Cheese Taquitos" with best by dates of 07/03/25 and 09/25/25 were shipped to ALDI stores nationwide. 美国农业部的FSIS建议消费者抛弃或归还这些产品。 The USDA's FSIS advises consumers to discard or return these products.