在公民中心与鲍威尔街之间有人被击中和杀害后中断了BART服务。 BART service disrupted after a person was struck and killed between Civic Center and Powell Street.
周六晚上8时45分左右,公民中心和旧金山鲍威尔街车站之间的一辆BART列车击中并杀害了一人,造成重大服务中断。 A person was hit and killed by a BART train between Civic Center and Powell Street stations in San Francisco on Saturday night around 8:45 p.m., causing major service disruptions. 红线服务停止,黄线和蓝线限制行动。 Red Line service was halted, while Yellow and Blue lines had restricted operations. 此人在轨道上的原因仍然不明,调查仍在进行中。 The reason for the individual being on the tracks remains unknown, and an investigation is ongoing.