孟加拉国解除独立董事对贷款违约的责任,以促进金融公司治理。 Bangladesh lifts liability on independent directors for loan defaults to boost finance company governance.
孟加拉国中央银行已宣布不再追究金融公司独立董事对贷款违约的责任,鼓励更多的专业人员承担这些职责。 The Central Bank of Bangladesh has announced that independent directors of finance companies will no longer be held responsible for loan defaults, encouraging more professionals to take on these roles. 以前,独立董事不持有股份,如果公司倒闭,则被视为违约人,从而阻止有技能的人服务。 Previously, independent directors, who do not hold shares, were considered defaulters if the company failed, deterring skilled individuals from serving. 这一新规则旨在通过使金融公司的作用更具吸引力,改善金融公司内部的治理。 This new rule aims to improve governance within finance companies by making the role more attractive.