Asotin县新建的2 000万美元的监狱 准备在春季开张 其特色是现代化的升级和容量的扩大 Asotin County's new $20 million jail set to open this spring features modern upgrades and expanded capacity.
Asotin县的新监狱定于今年春天在Clarkston高地开放, Asotin County's new jail, set to open this spring in Clarkston Heights, will offer significant upgrades over the current 1980s facility. 由2019年公共安全销售税供资的2 000万美元项目包括一个全套使用的厨房、更安全的牢房和扩大的容量。 The $20 million project, funded by a 2019 public safety sales tax, includes a full-service kitchen, more secure cells, and expanded capacity. 该县计划向其他机构收取囚犯住房费用,旧监狱的未来使用将由克拉克斯顿市决定。 The county plans to charge other agencies for inmate housing, and the old jail's future use will be decided by the city of Clarkston.