哥伦比亚县选公司在里斯本市中心建造一个新的24M记录存储设施。 Columbiana County picks firm to build a new $24M records storage facility in downtown Lisbon.
哥伦比亚县专员已选定C.Tucker Cope设计建筑公司,以建立一个新的、安全、气候控制的记录存储设施。 Columbiana County commissioners have chosen C. Tucker Cope Design-Build Inc. to build a new, secure, climate-controlled records storage facility. 两层24 600平方英尺的大楼将取代分散的储存地点,包括县监狱地下室和宾夕法尼亚州的一处场外设施。 The two-story, 24,600-square-foot building will replace scattered storage sites, including the county jail basement and an offsite facility in Pennsylvania. 它将利用《美国救援计划法》的资金,在里斯本市中心的一个空地上建造。 It will be constructed on a vacant lot in downtown Lisbon, using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act.