女演员Roopal Tyagi逃离洛杉矶的野火,对城市的毁灭表示哀悼。 Actress Roopal Tyagi escapes Los Angeles wildfires, expresses sorrow over city's destruction.
女演员Roopal Tyagi在为旅行和教育目的访问洛杉矶时逃离了洛杉矶野火。 Actress Roopal Tyagi narrowly escaped the Los Angeles wildfires while visiting for travel and educational purposes. 她目睹了从她飞回印度的飞机起火,并对城市的毁灭表示心痛。 She witnessed the fires from her flight back to India and expressed heartbreak over the city's destruction. Tyagi对在危机期间未能帮助她的朋友感到内疚, Tyagi feels guilty for not being able to help her friends during the crisis, despite feeling grateful to have left before the situation worsened.