Aaron Miller 道奇堡中学的助理校长 死于一场车祸 离开社区哀悼 Aaron Miller, Fort Dodge Middle School's assistant principal, died in a car accident, leaving the community in mourning.
Aaron Miller,爱荷华州道奇堡中学的助理校长 死于车祸 Aaron Miller, the assistant principal at Fort Dodge Middle School in Iowa, died after a car accident. 米勒是一位受人尊敬的教育者,在十多年的时间里教授社会研究,并指导几个学校团队。 Miller was a respected educator, teaching social studies for over a decade and coaching several school teams. 学校区正通过辅导员向学生和家庭提供支助,并鼓励社区在此期间走到一起。 The school district is offering support to students and families through counselors and encourages the community to come together during this time.