Walter Boone Twiger-Swannell, 生于新年节, 是2025年Grey-Bruce庆祝的第一个婴儿。 Walter Boone Twigger-Swannell, born on New Year's Day, is Grey-Bruce's celebrated first baby of 2025.
Walter Boone Twiger-Swannell, 2025年1月1日出生,凌晨2点56分,在加拿大Owen Sound, 成为Grey-Bruce的新年宝宝。 Walter Boone Twigger-Swannell, born on January 1, 2025, at 2:56 a.m., in Owen Sound, Canada, became Grey-Bruce's New Year's Baby. 他体重超过7磅 是德文·特威格和特拉维斯·斯旺内尔的第三个孩子 Weighing over seven pounds, he is the third child of Devon Twigger and Travis Swannell. 这种庆祝今年首次出生的传统可追溯到古希腊,并引起媒体的注意,一些夫妇甚至购买了受孕包,以增加他们生育新年婴儿的机会。 This tradition of celebrating the first birth of the year dates back to Ancient Greece and has gained media attention, with some couples even purchasing conception kits to increase their chances of having a New Year's Baby.