英国政府警告蓝牙性玩具可能被黑,使用户面临身体和隐私风险。 UK government warns Bluetooth sex toys can be hacked, exposing users to physical and privacy risks.
带有蓝牙的遥控性玩具可能被黑入,使用户面临身体伤害和侵犯隐私的风险。 Remote-controlled sex toys with Bluetooth may be hacked, exposing users to physical harm and privacy breaches. 联合王国政府警告说,未加密的连接可以使人们获得诸如性取向和亲密图像等个人数据。 The UK government warns that unencrypted connections could allow access to personal data like sexual orientation and intimate images. 未来的AI和VR性玩具也构成风险。 Future AI and VR sex toys also pose risks. 政府计划通过新的立法加强网络防御。 The government plans to bolster cyber defenses with new legislation.