三名孟加拉孟加拉孟加拉民族主义党领导人在特朗普就职前应邀参加美国国家祈祷早餐。 Three Bangladesh BNP leaders invited to US National Prayer Breakfast before Trump's inauguration.
孟加拉国民族主义党的三名高级领导人应邀参加2月5日至6日在华盛顿特区举行的国家祈祷早餐会。 Three senior leaders of Bangladesh's BNP party have been invited to the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC, from February 5-6. 这次活动由美国国会组织,自1953年以来每年举办,政治、社会和商界领袖聚集一堂,进行讨论和祈祷。 The event, organized by the US Congress and held annually since 1953, gathers political, social, and business leaders for discussions and prayers. 邀请函就在当选总统唐纳德·特朗普就职前发出。 The invitation comes just before President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration.