圣公会主教Mariann Budde呼吁特朗普总统在国庆祈祷日向男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者个人和移民表示仁慈。 Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde called on President Trump to show mercy to LGBT individuals and immigrants at the National Day of Prayer.
在全国祈祷日期间,圣公会主教Mariann Budde直接向总统Donald Trump讲话,敦促他对男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者个人和无证移民表示仁慈。 During the National Day of Prayer Service, Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde directly addressed President Donald Trump, urging him to show mercy to LGBT individuals and undocumented immigrants. 她批评特朗普的政策,强调这些群体面临的恐惧,引起各种反应。 She criticized Trump's policies and highlighted the fears these groups face, drawing mixed reactions. 特朗普似乎没有回应,而批评者则指责巴德通过祈祷活动推动政治议程。 Trump appeared unresponsive, while critics accused Budde of pushing a political agenda through a prayer event.