南韩禁止因口蹄疫爆发而进口德国猪肉。 South Korea bans German pork imports due to an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease.
由于德国自1988年以来首次爆发口蹄疫(FMD),韩国禁止从德国进口猪肉。 South Korea has banned pork imports from Germany due to an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Germany, the first since 1988. 农业部将测试12月27日以来发运的猪肉。 The Ministry of Agriculture will test pork shipped since December 27th. 韩国本季也面临23次禽流感爆发, 并正在监测家禽养殖场以防止进一步蔓延。 South Korea is also facing 23 avian influenza outbreaks this season and is monitoring poultry farms to prevent further spread. 约360吨德国猪肉正在等待检疫检查。 About 360 tons of German pork are awaiting quarantine inspections.