阿富汗慈善机构在喀布尔免费治疗404名患有心脏病的儿童,为期九个多月。 Afghan charity treats 404 children with heart disease for free in Kabul over nine months.
在过去九个月中,有404名阿富汗先天性心脏病儿童在喀布尔接受了阿富汗红新月会免费提供的外科手术治疗。 Over the past nine months, 404 Afghan children with congenital heart disease received free surgical treatment in Kabul, provided by the Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS). 治疗费用从每名儿童750美元到2 350美元不等,完全由ARCS支付,帮助无力负担医疗的低收入家庭。 The treatment costs between $750 to $2,350 per child, covered entirely by the ARCS, aiding low-income families who cannot afford medical care. 阿富汗各地近30,500名患有高血清的儿童仍然需要紧急治疗。 Nearly 30,500 children with CHD across Afghanistan still need urgent treatment.