超过1700个签名请愿书反对高地理事会提议的访客税, 担心这可能会损害旅游业。 Over 1,700 sign petition against Highland Council's proposed visitor tax, fearing it could hurt tourism.
1 700多人签署了请愿书,反对高地理事会征收的拟议访客税,旨在解决流行的NC500公路沿线的拥堵和资金维修问题。 Over 1,700 people have signed a petition against a proposed visitor levy by Highland Council, intended to address congestion and fund repairs along the popular NC500 route. 批评者,包括高地旅馆协会在内,担心它可能损害旅游业、减少就业和提高企业成本。 Critics, including the Highland Hotel Association, fear it could harm tourism, reduce employment, and raise costs for businesses. 理事会将咨询期延长至3月,以收集旅游业的更多投入。 The council has extended the consultation period to March to gather more input from the tourism industry.