俄勒冈州将公共转运毒品使用定为犯罪,判处一年以下监禁和重罚。 Oregon criminalizes drug use on public transit, imposing up to a year in jail and a hefty fine.
俄勒冈州新法规定在公共交通时使用毒品为“A”类轻罪,最高可判处364天监禁和6 250美元罚款。 Oregon's new law makes drug use on public transit a Class "A" misdemeanor, with penalties of up to 364 days in jail and a $6,250 fine. 这一措施针对的是自该大流行病以来公共汽车上吸毒人数的增加,以及根据措施110对低度持有毒品实行非刑罪化。 This measure responds to increased drug use on buses since the pandemic and the decriminalization of low-level drug possession under Measure 110. 该法旨在保护过境工人和乘客,他们面临较高的健康风险。 The law aims to protect transit workers and passengers, who face heightened health risks. 公共安全官员将清除违法者,他们可能有资格转而参加行为健康治疗方案。 Public safety officers will remove violators, who may be eligible for deflection into behavioral health treatment programs.